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Be, Do, and Have More
Are you ready to take that first step toward the life you really want?
Presley believes EVERYONE can achieve personal success, happiness, and fulfillment, and his desire is to help you do just that. In this book, he shares his real-life stories, chances for self-reflection, and solid advice that will motivate you and teach you how to BE, DO AND HAVE MORE in life.
IF YOU HAVE TRIED AND FAILED, Presley shows you how to consider that failure is a step toward eventual success.
IF YOU ARE AFRAID TO TRY, he gives you the tools to build a solid foundation so you’ll be excited and ready to pursue your wildest dreams.
AND IF YOU HAVE SOUGHT—AND FOUND—SUCCESS, Presley’s stories and advice will help you keep it and grow it into even more.
PRESLEY SWAGERTY learned early on that life isn’t fair. Some are born into riches, while others endure childhoods of poverty and struggle. Presley was in the second group, but didn’t let that determine his life path. Instead, he became a millionaire, many times over.
It didn’t happen without hard work and persistence, but Presley found that he could change his life by first focusing on who he was as a person who wanted to BE MORE. Next, he focused on what he could DO MORE of to position himself as a winner, as someone who was prepared to do the work required for success.
With a solid base—an understanding of who he was and where he wanted to go—Presley found that he could HAVE MORE.
Paperback, 168 pages